The primary goal of just about every individual who steps inside a gym or hires a personal trainer is to lose fat and build muscle, which is why it’s so confounding that so many individuals forego weights in favor of cardio. It’s even more confounding when those that do opt for weight-lifting, don’t lift in […]
Of the three macro-nutrients that make up the human diet, protein arguably has the largest variety of functions. From assisting in cell division and repair to maintaining muscle tissue, protein is a vital pillar of support in the human body. Let’s look at what happens when you consume protein.
Protein Drinks: There is an ever-growing market out there for health foods and specialty drinks such as protein shakes or weight-loss shakes. It seems that there is a new protein drink on the market every single day. Many people believe protein shakes are a great recovery drink after a tough workout or sporting event, while […]
What are Carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy to the human body that is responsible for many vital bodily functions including energy transportation. Derivatives of carbohydrates also help in the various roles of blood clotting and boosting the immune system. Carbohydrates clearly play vital roles in the human body, but the […]
Building muscle takes a lot more than just a strong workout plan. If you want significant lean-muscle gain, then the time you spend in the kitchen is just as important as the time you spend in the gym. Here are six foods that are sure to help you build muscle and finally get the body […]
Does the thought of spending an eternity on the treadmill, staring at the clock as the seconds slowly tick by make your soul die a little inside? Good news! HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, turns an endless, static cardiovascular workout into another beast all together–getting you through the tough parts faster, and being more beneficial […]
The answer to bland health food is right in the produce section of your grocery store. Seriously, if you have never taken the time to find all of the glorious fresh herbs your local market has to offer then you are missing out on a very simple way to add flavor to your foods without […]